Unbelievable Facts About Cockroaches

Cockroaches may look like common, everyday pests to you but they are more than meets the eye. Broaden your knowledge by getting to know some of the shocking facts about them below.

(i) What happens when you squelch a cockroach? When you encounter a cockroach, the first thing that comes to your mind is either squashing it or running away. Cockroach is a highly unhygienic scavenger, squishing it to death will release contagious bacteria from its carcass and thereby spread diseases that are detrimental to human health; these diseases can bring about illnesses such as allergies, asthma and others.

(ii) Roaches are good at faking death. When you crush a cockroach, it stops moving and appears to be dead. Bear in mind that cockroaches are good actors at playing dead.

(iii) Cockroach blood is not red, it is white instead. This is because the blood lacks hemoglobin which is a red protein carrying oxygen all over its body.

(iv) Cockroach has two brains, one is located in the head and the other in the rear part of the body.

(v) A cockroach can survive without its head. If you decapitate a roach, it can still live without its head. However, it will eventually die of starvation because it doesn’t have a mouth to eat after losing its head.

https://aboutpalmettobug.com/how-long-can-a-cockroach-live-without-its-head/ [Image source only]

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